The Friends of Goostrey have kindly shared an extract from the May edition of the Goostrey Parish Magazine which was written by Chris Burgess ….
At present, Government advice about social distancing and self isolation means that FOGS working parties cannot take place.
It’s fortunate therefore that in March there was a double celebration for FOGS members.
The Campaigns Award 2019 from the Best Kept Cheshire Competition was mounted on the bridge wall and the plaque in memory of our first chairman, Cyril Caulkin, was unveiled.
Both events had already been postponed in January and February because of stormy weather.
But now we have time to reflect on some of the successes of our volunteer group and also to plan for future activities.

After FOGS was founded in 2013, one of the first improvements to Goostrey Railway Station was the refurbishment of the passenger shelter on the Crewe platform.
This allowed Becky Cowell, deputy headteacher at Goostrey Community Primary School, to mount displays of pupils’ work.
The first exhibition was entitled Cold. One window of the building displayed words such as ICE, SNOW and FROST in huge letters. Another had descriptions of Ice Age animals which made the reader shiver.
For example :
- The deserted icy plain
- The giant glacier gleaming in the distance like the end of the earth
- A huge circle of mammoths protecting their vulnerable young
- Glittering snow like magic dust
Inside the waiting room, passengers were greeted by huge models of three penguins and a polar bear in front of a wall covered with elaborate decorations in ‘cold’ colours.
The whole display was particularly effective at night when illuminated by the station lights.

Subsequent displays have included Rainbows, Orang Utans, Going Places, the Owl and the Pussy Cat, Titanic, the Queen’s 90th birthday and Remembrance.

Each has transformed the shelter and they have been greatly appreciated by passengers and parents.
Comments have included :
What a lovely display to cheer us up on our rainy train trip home to Buckinghamshire
Great use of this space
Goostrey Primary school has some very talented pupils
I wish our school did something like this
I regularly walk the dog via the station now to see the artwork
In addition, the exhibitions helped the school to achieve Artsmark Gold and Rainbows was part of an Art Trail during Goosfest 2014.

Then, in 2016, FOGS received the Art Award from the Cheshire Best Kept Station competition and in 2017 the group was shortlisted in a national competition.
Members of FOGS have two plans for the future that relate to the school’s artwork.
First, they look forward to the displays resuming when our lives return to normal.
Second, the shelter again needs repairs to the roof and to the woodwork, so, as in 2013, pressure on the rail authorities is required.
New volunteers are always welcome even though we cannot physically be at the station at present.
FOGS members are involved in planning the future use of the station building, the installation of cycle racks in the car park and the improvement of passenger safety on the bridge.
For more information, please contact Dave Roberts (Vice Chair) on