The Friends of Handforth Station have issued an “Artists’ Brief”, which invites proposals for further artwork to complement the installation of the new lift.
This brief also provides an insight into how the Friends have used Art on their station over the years – which has caught the attention of judges of Cheshire Best Kept Stations ….
Network Rail and Northern Trains continue to plan for the installation of new lifts at Handforth Station in 2022; if government restrictions on building works permit then the lifts may even be in place by the end of 2021.
The new lifts create a wonderful opportunity to further enhance the station, building on the station’s existing “Platform for Art”. The Friends of Handforth Station (FoHS) plan to involve artists and the local community in the design process before the works start.
So on 16th of April 2020 FoHS announced an invitation to all to get involved with this.
FoHS have issued an “Artists’ Brief”, which invites proposals for further artwork to complement the installation of the lifts.
Jenny Barnes, the Artistic Co-ordinator for FoHS, said
“We shall ensure that the proposed artwork reflects the nature of the local community and meets the needs of all involved with the station.
“We are inviting artists to identify possible artistic enhancements to the new building works and then design them. As well as the lifts themselves, pathways, fences, seats, signage and other associated works also provide scope for inclusion in the design process.”
Handforth Station is already well-known nationally for the variety and extent of its artwork, and has won several awards from both Cheshire Best Kept Stations and from the UK-wide Community Rail Network.
Jenny added, “We would love local artists to read our announced brief and submit proposals for working with us and with Network Rail and Northern Trains.
“Our Artists’ Brief can be found on our web-site .
We are open for submissions until the 15th of May, and I can also be contacted for further information via ”.
As Cheshire Best Kept Stations said in their April InTouch Newsletter, a “picture paints a thousand words” ….